Staffing & Recruitment

Championing Sustainability in Talent Acquisition

In the world of staffing and recruitment, the connection between your agency and your candidates goes beyond mere job placements; it’s about building relationships and trust. In today’s market, candidates are not just looking for their next opportunity; they’re seeking partners who reflect their values, particularly in environmental responsibility. By weaving a compelling sustainability story into your brand, your agency stands out, offering candidates an additional reason to choose you in their career journey.

Navigating the Trickle-Down Effect of Carbon Reporting

The recruitment sector often operates within the supply chains of larger organisations, many of which are now legally mandated to disclose their carbon emissions. This emerging requirement has a direct impact on staffing and recruitment agencies, as your ability to report and reduce emissions can significantly influence your client relationships. At kroov, we understand these dynamics and work closely with staffing and recruitment agencies, helping them use sustainability as a key differentiator in client engagement and retention.

Your Stamp of Sustainability

Achieving kroov certification means more than just measuring data. It’s about empowering your agency to report on your sustainability journey with confidence and authority. Our rigorous carbon footprinting approach ensures your environmental efforts are credible and noteworthy. This certification not only underlines your agency’s commitment to the planet but also strengthens your position as a forward-thinking, responsible choice in the recruitment industry.

Adhering to Exemplary Standards

Our carbon footprinting and reduction plans are aligned with the UK Government’s carbon reporting technical standards and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol’s Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard. With our process being fully compliant with ISO 14064, you can be assured of adherence to the best global practices in carbon reporting