Marketing & PR

Tailoring Sustainability for the Marketing & PR Industry

In the dynamic world of advertising, marketing, design, and PR, making a statement goes beyond creative campaigns. It’s about showcasing your commitment to sustainability and standing out in an industry increasingly focused on environmental impact. As clients become more eco-conscious, the demand for marketing service providers with solid, data-backed carbon reduction strategies is rising.

Understanding Your Unique Position

Marketing agencies often find themselves in the direct supply chain of larger organisations, which are now legally required to disclose their carbon emissions. This “trickle-down” effect means your ability to report and reduce emissions can be a game-changer in winning and retaining key accounts. At kroov, we specialise in helping marketing service providers navigate these waters, turning environmental responsibility into a competitive advantage.

A Mark of Environmental Excellence

Becoming kroov certified isn’t just about measuring data; it’s about gaining the ability to report on your progress with confidence and authority. Our rigorous approach to carbon footprinting ensures that you can showcase your achievements in sustainability with credibility. This certification not only reflects your commitment to reducing environmental impact but also enhances your appeal to clients who value eco-friendly practices.

Adhering to High Standards

We align our carbon footprinting and reduction plans with the UK Government’s carbon reporting technical standards and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol’s Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard. Rest assured, our approach to carbon reporting is fully compliant with ISO 14064 and embodies global best practices.