Legal Services

Pioneering Sustainability in Legal Services

In the legal sector, environmental stewardship presents both a challenge and an opportunity. With over 90% of total emissions typically falling within Scope 3, legal services possess a unique position to influence widespread emission reductions. By promoting climate action across their value chain, law firms can not only mitigate environmental risks but also demonstrate leadership in sustainable practices.

Leveraging Influence for Greater Impact

Law firms are uniquely positioned to drive significant changes in environmental practices, both within their operations and amongst their clients and partners. This influential role in the business community allows legal firms to set standards for sustainability, encouraging a ripple effect of positive environmental action across the legal landscape.

Committing to Sustainability Standards

kroov provides comprehensive support to legal services in measuring, reporting, and reducing their carbon footprint. Our methodologies align with the UK Government’s carbon reporting technical standard and adhere to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol’s Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard. By ensuring full compliance with ISO 14064 and upholding global best practices, we offer legal firms the tools and insights needed to make tangible and impactful environmental changes.