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What makes kroov different?

kroov stands out because we prioritise education in our offerings, empowering employees to drive sustainability. Our carbon reduction plans are designed not just to highlight changes but to actively guide your team through the sustainability journey, ensuring everyone plays a part in making a positive impact.

Why should my company measure its carbon footprint?

Besides cutting greenhouse gasses to fight climate change, doing your own carbon assessment has many benefits. It meets customer expectations, controls costs, attracts investors, enhances your brand, and prepares for future laws. It's crucial for success in today's environmentally-conscious world.

How does kroov calculate my company’s emissions?

kroov captures your direct and indirect emissions (scopes 1, 2, and 3) and analyses the physical and financial flows of your operations. We collect and translate your company's data into greenhouse gas emissions, following global best practice.

Are your emissions measurements transparent?

Yes. Our emission measurements adheres to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP) and provides transparent calculations for your carbon footprint.

How do you help my business reduce its carbon footprint?

kroov helps you understand your emissions, what operations within your organisation are driving emissions and what high-impact actions you can take to reduce your carbon footprint.