Growing Towards a Greener Future​

Craobh [ kroov ] or /kʰɾɯːv/

At kroov, our name is a nod to our native land. “Craobh” (pronounced kroov), meaning ‘tree’ in Gaelic, symbolises growth, resilience, and our deep connection to the environment. This isn’t just a brand name; it’s a reflection of our commitment to sustainability, growth, and strength – pretty kroov-y, right?

From a Seedling to Leader

Our story begins with a tiny seedling of passion. Beth, our founder, has been an eco-warrior since from a young age. When she was 11 she chose to go plant-based to make her mark on saving the world. Beth’s path evolved from passionately advocating for the environment to becoming the driving force behind kroov. She’s the heart and soul behind kroov, driving us to help businesses across the UK realise that their sustainability dreams are not just aspirations but achievable realities. For us, sustainability isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the core of our very identity.                                 

Our team at kroov is as diverse as it is dedicated, with professional backgrounds spanning from Fintech to Zoology, Big Pharma to Natural Sciences. This rich tapestry of experiences brings unique perspectives to our sustainability mission. But what truly binds us together is not just our professional expertise, but our shared, genuine passion for sustainability and a collective desire to make the world a better place. Embracing a remote-first approach, we look forward to our monthly in-person meet-ups!

Embracing All

Founded in 2023, kroov is the brainchild of our CEO, Beth, whose background is steeped in steering the commercial and partnerships functions of SMEs. After floating through a series of pretty awesome jobs, Beth had an epiphany. She realised her true fulfilment lay in making a difference in the world. kroov, a female-founded and led business, stands as a testament to her vision. We’re not just about supporting sustainability; we’re also about empowering underrepresented groups, embodying diversity and inclusivity in every step we take.

Democratising Sustainability for Every Small Business

Our roots in working with SMEs give us an insider’s perspective on the needs and challenges faced by small businesses. At kroov, we firmly believe that sustainability shouldn’t be a luxury service accessible only to a few. It’s our mission to democratise sustainability, making it attainable for every small business. We’re here to support and guide small businesses on their carbon reduction journey, proving that size doesn’t limit impact. Our approach is to bring sustainability within reach of businesses that might have previously thought it beyond their grasp.

We’re here to change the narrative, showing that every small step towards sustainability is a giant leap for business and the planet alike.

Our values

Pursuit of sustainability

Sustainability isn’t just a buzzword around here. Our actions today are designed to ensure a thriving, resilient, and healthy planet for generations to come. Our dedication to sustainability reflects our deep-rooted belief in acting with purpose, ensuring that our legacy is one of positive impact.


We understand the power of collaboration, both internally as a team and externally with you. In the face of the climate crisis, we stand united, recognising that only together can we make meaningful strides.

Keeping it real

We embrace self-awareness, responsibility, and the courage to be vulnerable. In every interaction, every project, and every task, we show up as our genuine selves, unfiltered and unapologetic.

Our amazing team

CEO & Founder
Chief Science Officer
Marketing Manager
Sustainability Consultant
Growth Advisor