Charities & NGOs

Aligning Environmental Values with Philanthropic Goals

In the world of philanthropy, donors are increasingly looking to support organisations that take a proactive stance on environmental issues. kroov partners with charities and non-profit organisations to help them measure, report, and reduce their carbon footprints. Our services are not only for those directly championing environmental causes but for any charity seeking to demonstrate their commitment to a sustainable future.

Sustainability is a Core Element for Every Charity

Embedding sustainability into your organisational practices sends a powerful message about your commitment to the planet and society. It’s a strategic move that goes beyond immediate environmental benefits, enhancing your appeal to environmentally conscious donors and stakeholders. Whether your charity is focused on social causes, education, health, or arts, showing that you operate sustainably can significantly bolster your reputation and align with the values of your supporters.

Adhering to High Standards in Carbon Reporting

We ensure that our carbon footprinting and reduction plans align with rigorous standards. Following the UK Government’s carbon reporting technical standard and adhering to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol’s Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard, our approach is fully compliant with ISO 14064 and reflects global best practices. This means your charity or NGO can trust in the accuracy and reliability of the sustainability data we provide.