Your Path to Carbon Efficiency

Carbon Reduction Planning

Begin Your Carbon Reduction Journey

Start by accurately measuring your carbon emissions. Understanding the scope of your carbon footprint is a crucial step in planning effective carbon reduction strategies. With our meticulous approach, you’ll gain a solid foundation for understanding what needs to be reduced and how best to approach it. This precision is vital not only for initial planning but also for ongoing monitoring and enhancing the effectiveness of your carbon reduction activities.

Expertise You Can Trust

Rest assured, you’re in capable hands. Our carbon footprinting and reduction plans align with the UK Government’s carbon reporting technical standards and adhere to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol’s Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard. We pride ourselves on our compliance with ISO 14064 and global best practices in carbon reporting.

Your Role in the Process

We ask for your collaboration in gathering data – the only task required from you. Our team ensures this process is as smooth and effortless as possible, providing straightforward explanations and user-friendly templates to guide you.

Demystifying Your Carbon Footprint

Our approach starts with measuring your carbon footprint to develop a credible, impactful carbon reduction plan. We not only guide you in crafting a robust strategy that combines immediate actions with long-term goals but also delve deep into your carbon emissions audit. By highlighting key areas of your carbon footprint, we ensure you gain a thorough understanding of your emissions report. Our ultimate goal is to empower you with the knowledge to effectively share these insights across your organization, fostering a culture of sustainability and informed decision-making.

Celebrating Your Sustainability Journey

Fear not the spectre of greenwashing. We equip you with a marketing toolkit to confidently showcase and share your sustainability progress. Let the world know about the positive changes you’re making.

The Added Value of Employee Training

Opt for our comprehensive packages to unlock the added benefit of employee training. We’re committed to fostering a culture shift towards a greener future in your organisation. Our training is bespoke, developed in collaboration with your employees, and focuses on making sustainability concepts accessible and actionable for everyone. Engage your team with interactive exercises that highlight their personal carbon footprints, encouraging impactful changes in both their professional and personal lives. Our sessions include engaging problem-solving activities, quizzes, and the coveted kroov certification.

Your Path to Carbon Efficiency



  • Annual Scope 1, 2, 3 GHG reporting
  • PPN 06/21 Aligned Carbon Report
  • Sustainability Communication Strategy
  • Shareable Marketing Assets
  • 30 Minute Strategy Workshop
Get Started



  • Annual Scope 1, 2, 3 GHG reporting
  • PPN 06/21 Aligned Carbon Report
  • Sustainability Communication Strategy
  • Shareable Marketing Assets
  • 6 Month Progress Review
  • 1 Hour Strategy Workshop
  • 2 Hour Bespoke Employee Training
Get Started



  • Annual Scope 1, 2, 3 GHG reporting
  • PPN 06/21 Aligned Carbon Report
  • Sustainability Communication Strategy
  • Shareable Marketing Assets
  • 1 Hour Strategy Workshop
  • 1 Hour Employee Training
Get Started

*Our prices are based on organisations with up to 50 employees, single entities, service-based, and located in the UK. If your organisation falls outside of this category, please reach out to discuss customised options.

Got a question? We're here to help

What makes kroov different?

kroov stands out because we prioritise education in our offerings, empowering employees to drive sustainability. Our carbon reduction plans are designed not just to highlight changes but to actively guide your team through the sustainability journey, ensuring everyone plays a part in making a positive impact.

Why should my company measure its carbon footprint?

Besides cutting greenhouse gasses to fight climate change, doing your own carbon assessment has many benefits. It meets customer expectations, controls costs, attracts investors, enhances your brand, and prepares for future laws. It's crucial for success in today's environmentally-conscious world.

How does kroov calculate my company’s emissions?

kroov captures your direct and indirect emissions (scopes 1, 2, and 3) and analyses the physical and financial flows of your operations. We collect and translate your company's data into greenhouse gas emissions, following global best practice.

Are your emissions measurements transparent?

Yes. Our emission measurements adheres to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP) and provides transparent calculations for your carbon footprint.

How do you help my business reduce its carbon footprint?

kroov helps you understand your emissions, what operations within your organisation are driving emissions and what high-impact actions you can take to reduce your carbon footprint.Â